Give This Woman A Microphone-It’s Sarah Hester

Best known for her 3 million followers online and her uproarious Las Vegas Residency, Sarah Hester Ross brings Sarah Hester Ross Is What? to Edinburgh Fringe for her premier debut at the fest.

Following the release of her new comedy special on Apple TV and Amazon Prime Don’t Mess With A Redhead, the new 1-hour show Sarah Hester Ross Is What? is a hilarious musical experience that shows you a woman being TikTok famous, who doesn’t want babies and is the leader of the ‘Stop Giving Men Microphones’ movement.

Sarah invites you into the life of a TikTok-famous woman who doesn’t want babies and leads the “stop giving men microphones” movement. Sarah Hester Ross is What?, her hilarious debut Edinburgh Fringe show, serves as an introduction to a multi-talented comedian and musician best known for her 2.4 million social media followers and lovers of Florida Man Friday, who will be the first to tell you she aims to be the “next Bette Midler”.

Hester Ross is aware that musical comedy is not everyone’s cup of tea, but she effectively utilizes music to help audiences to stomach some very serious topics. “A spoonful of music helps the discussion of women’s rights (or lack thereof) go down. The music is niche but the topics aren’t and I feel that’s what makes it special”, says Sarah.

Originally from Tampa, Florida but currently Las Vegas-based, Sarah has been performing professionally since age 11, when she got her start as a member of a show at Busch Gardens. Later, while performing at a piano bar in Orlando where people request top 40 songs and she would play them on the spot, a colleague told her “you’re funny, you should go learn the gig properly somewhere else, your talents won’t be used here”. So she did, packing her possessions into her car and moving to Vegas where she started working the piano bar circuit.

The pandemic forced Sarah offstage and online, where her musical comedy hit on a larger scale, quickly building a sizable online following. This led to a post-pandemic three-month Vegas residency where she developed the hour, which she honed further by taking it on the road. The result is Sarah Hester Ross Is What?. Sarah admits “…it blew my mind that people would buy tickets to see me. Just me. It changed my whole perspective of what I wanted to do with my career.” While her mind may have been blown by the well-deserved audience attention, we believe the Edinburgh Fringe audience minds will be similarly blown by Sarah Hester Ross is What?

I will NEVER love anything more than hearing a room of 100+ people sin… | TikTok

Book Here: Sarah Hester Ross Is What? | Comedy | Edinburgh Festival Fringe (

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