Go See A Relaxed Performance Of Marys Seacole-Donmar Warehouse

Donmar Warehouse have announced tickets are now on-sale for the company’s first ever relaxed performance for the UK première of Jackie Sibblies Drury’s Marys Seacole. The production opens on 21 April, with previews from 15 April, and runs until 4 June with the relaxed performance being held on 26 May at 11.30am. The first relaxed performance forms part of the Donmar Warehouse’s wider commitment to accessibility.   

This performance is suitable for anyone who may benefit from a more relaxed theatre environment; the performance itself is unchanged but loud noises, sound effects and lighting will be turned down or removed. Audience members should feel comfortable making noise and moving around as and when they need to, using designated front of house space to take a break. Babes in arms are welcome.  There are £10 and £20 seats available across the auditorium so that audience members can sit where they feel most comfortable. 

Nadia Latif directs Déja J. Bowens (Mamie), Llewella Gideon (Duppy Mary), Kayla Meikle (Mary), Esther Smith (Miriam), Olivia Williams (May), and Susan Wooldridge (Merry). The production opens on 21 April, with previews from 15 April, and runs until 4 June. 

Marys Seacole

15 April – 4 June 2022

Press Night: Thursday 21 April 2022

Relaxed Performance: Thursday 26 May at 11.30am 

“Scene One:

Mary Seacole stands before us.

If you don’t know who she is, well,

look her the f**k up.”

Mary Seacole was the pioneering Jamaican nurse who bravely voyaged to heal soldiers in the Crimean War. She was a traveller, a hotelier and a businesswoman. She was the most impressive woman you’ve ever met.

Putting the concept of a biopic through a kaleidoscope, Marys Seacole is a dazzling exploration across oceans and eras of what it means to be a woman who is paid to care, and how, ultimately, no one is in charge of their own story.

Directed by Nadia Latif, the UK premiere of Pulitzer Prize winner Jackie Sibblies Drury’s celebrated new play reunites the team behind her critically-acclaimed Fairview in 2019.

Marys Seacole Workshop

Saturday 14 May, 10.30am – 12.30pm

£12.50 (£7.50 for 16-25 year olds)

Open to anyone over 16, our Open Workshops offer extra insight into our work. Join the Donmar Resident Assistant Director for a two-hour workshop exploring the themes of the production and take part in some of the exercises used by the company in the rehearsal room. 

Patrons will have the option to book for the Open Workshop when booking tickets for the production – these do not need to be booked on the same day.

Twitter, Instagram and Facebook: @donmarwarehouse

Marys Seacole @ Donmar Warehouse                                                                                                                     

41 Earlham Street, Seven Dials, London WC2H 9LX

15 April – 4 June 2022

Press Night: Thursday 21 April 2022

Captioned: 23 May at 7.30pm

Audio-Described: 21 May at 2.30pm, touch tour at 1pm

Relaxed Performance: 26 May at 11.30am

British Sign Language Interpreted: 30 May at 7.30pm

Box Office: www.donmarwarehouse.com / 020 3282 3808 


Evenings Mon – Sat: 7.30pm

Matinees Thu & Sat: 2.30pm


YOUNG+FREE tickets for 16-25 year olds released by ballot. Sign up at www.donmarwarehouse.com

Generously supported by IHS Markit.


New tickets on sale every day at the Donmar. Allocations of tickets from £10 will be made available every day for performances 7 days later. Tickets will be available across the auditorium at every price band.


£10 standing tickets available from two weeks in advance 10am online, by phone and in person. (Except Press Nights. Subject to availability)


The Donmar Warehouse is fully wheelchair accessible. Guide dogs and hearing dogs are welcome in the auditorium. There is a Loop system and a Radio Frequency system fitted in the main auditorium and there are also hearing loops at all the front of house counters.


If you require a companion to attend the Donmar, their ticket will be free. To book call 020 3282 3808 or email access@donmarwarehouse.com. 

For all other access enquiries or bookings call 020 3282 3808.



Until 9 April 2022


15 April – 4 June 2022

Press Night: Thursday 21 April 2022

Captioned: 23 May at 7.30pm

Audio-Described: 21 May at 2.30pm, touch tour at 1pm

British Sign Language Interpreted: 30 May at 7.30pm

The season is presented in partnership with Wessex Grove.

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