How To Get Into The West End Or Broadway

Photo by cottonbro studio:

Both the West End Of London And Broadway which contain the Theatre Districts or Theater Districts ( if an American reader) are the epitome of the Theatre World.

They both portray professional theatre at the finest and of course could be the pinnacle of your career if you get offered a role in either.

How To Get That Job

The first things are perseverance, you will get many knockbacks and that can be demoralizing, but just think of the fame kids, they suffered knockbacks until people remembered their names.

Next is to demonstrate experience, you may not be able to afford professional acting schools so take part in amateur theatre. It gives you experience and practice- which is very useful for auditions.

Get your name noticed, if you stay in the sidelines, your name won’t be in the headlights. Take part in whatever you can, hopefully some press coverage to get your name noticed. Start a blog, tell your friends on facebook, post videos of yourself doing showreels or performing ( if allowed).

If at collage or youth threatre, you will be presented with opportunities to network, create a good impression, get your name remembered. A directory or casting agent may just think of you.

Look at websites which advertise auditions, then go for it, even if you feel you might not get the part, you might just. At the audition, check the requirements, you may need a headshot, a reel. Research the part, know the story or your character in case a casting agent asks you.

They will see hundreds of potential actors for one part, so make sure you are remembered- for the right reasons.

You may have heard of the elevator pitch, imagine you are in a lift with the person you want to work with most, think of a director and you have 30 seconds to introduce yourself and why they should pick you, for the part they have available. Have that 30 seconds ready to go at any time, so anyone you meet can know exactly who you are and why you are unique.

 Many actors can do additional skills, such as stage combat, speak a foreign language, play a musical instrument, so try to learn such things, it all helps your CV.

Try if you can, to go on professional courses that will help you in your future career. If you have a choice of courses or where to go, research, look at the alumni, see what career prospects will be on offer.

If I typed in your name into google search now, will I know you are an actor awaiting their professional debut? Use showreels, use blogs, feature in theatre reviews, the casting director needs to know you exist.


In Summary, if you are seeking your professional West End or Broadway debut ensure these things are covered, just do not give up- that’s the first hurdle. If your family is not supporting your decision for you to into the arts as a career. Then please explain how important it is you and your happiness is in acting. For a person to be given the break they want means they need to be available to go for it. Be ready at all times, your dream role may be available tomorrow.

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