Interview With Merry King

We were lucky enough to interview Merry King, a circus performer, dancer and theatre actress based in the United States. You can check out Merry via her instagram @circusmerry

1) Looking at your skills you seem to be very much involved in the circus, 
did you have hopes as a child to run away to the circus?

I always wanted to be a performer when I was little. I was obsessed with watching Chinese Acrobats with tricks and contortion acts. I didn’t even know aerial silks existed until I was an adult but I immediately knew I had to try it. I used to put on little shows with gymnastic and dance tricks when I was a kid so I suppose the progression was natural. 

2) So if your friends could describe you in three words, what words do 
you think they would be?

Ambitious, vivacious, and positive.

3) You have been in Guys and Dolls to the Music Man and more, which part 
has been your favourite so far and what part would you like to play in 
the future?

My favorite role has to be Adelaide from “Guys and Dolls”. I played Adelaide in high school and seeing the auditions for the show again as an adult propelled me back to theatre. When I was young, I thought she was very different from me, she wanted to get married and I remember thinking that was so outside my character. I did get married though, and left for domestic violence in 2022 during the run of Guys and Dolls. It was playing the character as an adult that made me realize how confident, funny, and decisive I could be in my real life.

A dream role would be Reno in Anything Goes.

4) Did you make any new years resolutions and have you stuck to them?

I always set lots of goals for myself and spend time thinking about my vision. I’m leaning into the stability of my new life so my resolutions have been related to rest/recovery, spending time at home, and using that as fuel for my ambition. I also set some financial habit goals. I think it’s going pretty well. 

5) I can see you have been a victim of Domestic Violence, what message 
would you want to give to others going through the same thing?

Acknowledging your reality is so extremely difficult but it’s okay to say “this isn’t the life I wanted it to be but I gave it everything I had and now it’s time for a new dream.” Find things that make you feel like you again. You can start over and live a powerful amazing life.

6) and finally…. when not performing what do you like to do in your 
spare time?

I’m not good at spare time! I teach full-time at the University of Kentucky in Communication, so I spend a lot of time creating lectures and connecting with students. I enjoy doing non-profit consulting on the side. Over the summer, I worked for the Partners for Rural Transformation, and have also worked with a wide variety of non-profits in official and unofficial capacity. Such as doing interviews and publicity for GreenHouse17, an organization advocating for DV survivors. I also work on communication and marketing campaigns for shows. Currently, I’m the marketing director for a new musical called “Just Beginning” which opens in Indianapolis June 5 (, where I will also be performing as Marie Baron (I’m very excited that this role includes aerial work!). I’m also helping market Vita Volare by Sora Contemporary Circus, running again in July, where I will also perform as a dancer and aerialist. 

In my real free time, I enjoy spending time with my partner, family, and friends. My partner and I like to snuggle our kitties, go see our friends in shows, workout together, and perform together on stage. 

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