Navigating The World Of Theatre Etiquette

Theatre etiquette has changed over the years, it used to be a formal affair, dressed in your tuxedos and evening downs. These days it is much different and different standards apply. You can go watch a theatre show in the UK in your Jeans and a t- shirt. However some people still choose to dress much smarter as it is a treat out, a special occasion. 

Enjoying the show is a must but sometimes people’s behaviour can be frowned upon. Too much exuberance can land you in trouble, again taking photos or going on your mobile phone is distracting for both performers and other audience members.

A recent article by Metro News highlighted how one woman was apparently removed for singing and tapping along. 

Theatre Village have come up with some advice to follow for your trip to the theatre:

Unless a show is designated as a sing along or the performers invite you to participate, then don’t, is the best advice. 

Taking photos or video is also a no due to copyright laws. 

No-one likes a late comer so make sure you are on time and early enough to get your seat, don’t make other people stand up to get into your seat past the start of the performance.

Be polite, be respectful both to theatre staff and fellow patrons. 

Have your ticket ready ( also covid pass if required)

During the performance, laugh and clap where needed but no heckling, it’s not a comedy night. 

The rustling of sweet packets can be a turn off, so try to do things quietly or wait until the interval. 

Try to avoid leaving when it’s the curtain call, it can be off-putting to other theatre goers and cast. 

Standing Ovation? This is your preference however, if someone behind you isn’t able to stand, you are likely to block their view so just be considerate. 

Don’t block the aisles, sometimes performers will use the aisles and you don’t want to be responsible for any performers tripping. 

Whilst you may want to nestle on each other’s shoulders if in love, don’t, it will block the view of the person behind as its staggered and tiered seating. 

Autographs from a star near the stage door is an experience, but its not obligatory for the performers to sign such autographs, be polite and respectful

You therefore can see, by following the above advice, you can make your evening and your fellow guest’s evening a pleasure.

Theatre Village wish you an enjoyable time when you are next at the Theatre.

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