“The English Teacher”, a compelling new show that delves into the humorous and murky journey of trying and failing to fulfill your dreams arrives into the Edinburgh Fringe. After migrating from one of the most dangerous and chaotic countries, Venezuela, a comedian finds herself craving her rags to riches story without success.
What happens when she is faced with the possibility that her life isn’t a film and she might just be stuck in her worst nightmare, teaching kids. The show’s creator and performer, Alicia, exposes her life in Spain, as she finds herself struggling to secure a job that aligns with her passions and talents. Despite her many self-perceived talents and comedic flair, she repeatedly lands in caretaking roles, prompting a deep and introspective questioning of her life’s direction.
The show poignantly addresses the internal conflict of nurturing others while feeling unfulfilled and unsuccessful in her own self-care. At its core, “The English Teacher” is a story about resilience, adaptation, and the search for meaning in a foreign land or at least a Hollywood ending. Alicia’s journey is not just a mere relocation but also about navigating the social and emotional landscape of her new reality, desperately trying to find her big break, longing for a plot twist. Through a blend of humor and heartache, she confronts the poignant question:
“Will the leading lady get what she wants? ” Alicia brings her pungent, millennial-angst comedic perspective and provides a refreshing and relatable lens through which audiences can explore the complexities of migration, career struggles, and fluctuating ideas of self-worth. Join us for the most relatable of journeys with “The English Teacher.” Experience the trials and small triumphs of a comedian turned caretaker, and discover the universal truths that bind us all in our search for purpose, belonging, but mostly validation.
The Stand-Up Comedy Show that Distills the Frustration of Being an Immigrant Adrift and Incongruously Entitled Edinburgh – The Edinburgh Fringe Festival is thrilled to announce the debut of “The English Teacher”, a compelling new show that delves into the humorous and murky journey of trying and failing to fulfill your dreams. After migrating from one of the most dangerous and chaotic countries, Venezuela, a comedian finds herself craving her rags to riches story without success.
What happens when she is faced with the possibility that her life isn’t a film and she might just be stuck in her worst nightmare, teaching kids. The show’s creator and performer, Alicia, exposes her life in Spain, as she finds herself struggling to secure a job that aligns with her passions and talents. Despite her many self-perceived talents and comedic flair, she repeatedly lands in caretaking roles, prompting a deep and introspective questioning of her life’s direction.
The show poignantly addresses the internal conflict of nurturing others while feeling unfulfilled and unsuccessful in her own self-care. At its core, “The English Teacher” is a story about resilience, adaptation, and the search for meaning in a foreign land or at least a Hollywood ending. Alicia’s journey is not just a mere relocation but also about navigating the social and emotional landscape of her new reality, desperately trying to find her big break, longing for a plot twist. Through a blend of humor and heartache, she confronts the poignant question:
“Will the leading lady get what she wants? ” Alicia brings her pungent, millennial-angst comedic perspective and provides a refreshing and relatable lens through which audiences can explore the complexities of migration, career struggles, and fluctuating ideas of self-worth. Join us for the most relatable of journeys with “The English Teacher.” Experience the trials and small triumphs of a comedian turned caretaker, and discover the universal truths that bind us all in our search for purpose, belonging, but mostly validation.
Dates: 1-25 of August 2024
● Time: 19:30-20:30
● Venue: Home Bar – 69 Home St, Edinburgh EH3 9JP, United Kingdom
● Tickets: Pay What You Want- £5