A Review Of Grimm Beginning At Edinburgh Fringe

This production was designed with fairytales, fantasy characters and humour however it failed to hit its potential. The props/scenery were too minimal to create a world of fantasy and therefore not believable. The actors, while clearly enthusiastic, had to put up with sparse props and scenery. The show failed to deliver a magical spark necessary to transport the audience into the whimsical realm of fairytales.

Despite these shortcomings, there were glimmers of promise in the show’s concept. The idea of reimagining classic Grimm tales with a modern twist is intriguing, and a few moments of genuine creativity shone through. However, these brief flashes of brilliance only served to highlight what could have been, had the execution matched the ambition.

The costume design, while colourful, lacked the attention to detail one would expect from a fantasy-themed production at the Fringe.

The songs sung by the cast were good and there was a few actors who stood out, for example the actress who played Rapunzel.

The lighting design showed potential, with occasional moments of atmospheric brilliance that hinted at the magical world the show was trying to create. Unfortunately, these moments were few and far between, and the overall lighting scheme often failed to enhance the mood or guide the audience’s attention effectively. Despite its flaws, the cast’s energy was infectious, and their commitment to their roles was evident throughout the performance. With more polished direction and a stronger script, these actors could have truly shone. The chemistry between some of the leads was particularly noteworthy, providing a solid foundation for future iterations of the show. While the production fell short in many areas, it’s worth noting that Fringe festivals are often breeding grounds for experimental theatre and works-in-progress. With substantial more investment in the set design and a greater focus on world-building, this show could potentially evolve into something truly magical. The core concept remains intriguing, and with the right tweaks, it could captivate audiences in future runs.

Star Rating: 3 Star


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