Review Of Gandeys Circus

The Circus was on in town- or more precisely, Birmingham and it meant I needed to pop along to a) see it and b) review it.

Circus resonates with me, as a child my parents took me to a circus show in Newcastle- I was fascinated by the sights and sounds. Then went I went on holiday I remember trying a circus skills workshop and soon got into plate spinning, stilt walking and unicycling which I carried on in my early teen years. So the circus and incredible performers is always a must for me. The last time I was in a circus big top, was at the Edinburgh Fringe.

I didn’t pick up a Programme so unfortunately cannot name the acts. I noticed walking into the tent, it was heated. I did have visions before arriving of being cold, but nope- I even managed to take my coat off despite it drizzling outside.

For a Tuesday night, the audience was quite large, although I seemed to be sat in the quietest section, a lot more cheering and interaction from the audience other sections. Unfortunately our side did not win the dance off.

This was a circus show designed for families, but it had something in the show for everyone. I enjoyed lots of the elements of the show, the highly talented acrobats took my breath away. There was a clown who was funny and kept the children entertained. There was dancers’, a roller skating pair who wowed the audience. The motorcyclists also with their show was also amazing. However a circus is not a circus without a juggler, so I hope they introduce such an act in future shows or maybe a plate spinner.( please, pretty please)

If you are deciding whether to take the family, I would recommend it. The show had downright silliness, perfect for young children to more death-defying moments for adults, it had an array of dazzling dancers’ and highly skilled acrobats. The atmosphere was good and the performers tried their hardest.

The ending of the show I think left some audience members slightly perplexed as the applause started for the performers about halfway through, I think initially they thought it was a dance number. However every single performers deserved a huge round of applause for the performance they gave.

I don’t have criticisms of the show, as an adult I won’t enjoy every single moment, but the show is for families and this show is aimed towards that. I found enough moments though in the show as an adult to keep me entertained.

Would I see this circus again? Yes!

Gandeys performers also perform at Butlins too, so if you can get to see Gandeys please do.

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