Eun-Me Ahn Brings Dance Spectacular Dragons Back To The UK

South Korean dance icon Eun-Me Ahn brings her multi-media dance spectacular Dragons back to the UK

South Korean culture is riding a huge wave of popularity with both K-pop and Korean film being embraced by people worldwide. Now South Korean dance icon Eun-Me Ahn, fresh from posing for a Gucci exhibition about legendary Korean artists, brings her latest work, Dragons, to the UK for an 8-venue tour presented by Dance Consortium.

In Asia, dragons represent resilience, joy and optimism. They are the inspiration for this multi-media spectacular, a vibrant swirling hallucinatory mix of dance, music, holograms and stylish costumes.

Ahn and her company of seven extraordinary dancers inhabit a constantly changing theatrical space of writhing silver vacuum hoses and the forests and cloudy skies of Taeseok Lee’s vivid and colourful projections.

Entering this fantastical world are holograms of five young guest dancers, four of them born in the year 2000, a Year of the Dragon. They share their individual hopes and fresh perspectives on how the past and the future can coexist. Together they celebrate the vitality of the hyper-connected Gen-Z and its ability to shift and change in a tumultuous world.

Created in the isolated time of Covid, Dragons interweaves contemporary moves with ancient dance forms from across Asia. This mix is echoed in Jang Young-Gyu’s evocative soundtrack which seamlessly blends traditional Korean music with contemporary pop and electronica.

Listings information
Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 February at 7.30pm
Mayflower Theatre SOUTHAMPTON
22-26 Commercial Road, Southampton SO15 1GE
Tickets: 023 8071 1811 /

Friday 28 February & Saturday 1 March at 7.30pm
The Marlowe Theatre, CANTERBURY
The Friars, Canterbury CT1 2AS
Tickets: 01227 787787 /

Tuesday 4 & Wednesday 5 March at 7.30pm
Brighton Dome BRIGHTON
Church St, Brighton BN1 1UE
Tickets: 01273 709709 /

Friday 7 & Saturday 8 March at 7.30pm
500 Marlborough Gate, Milton Keynes MK9 3NZ
Tickets: 0333 009 6690 /

Friday 14 & Saturday 15 March at 7.30pm
NEWCASTLE Theatre Royal
100 Grey St, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 6BR
Tickets: 0191 232 7010 /

Tuesday 18 & Wednesday 19 March at 7.30pm
Bishops Rd, Inverness IV3 5SA
Tickets: 01463 234234 /

Friday 21 & Saturday 22 March at 7.30pm
Alhambra Theatre BRADFORD
Morley St, Bradford BD7 1AJ
Tickets: 01274 432000 /

Tuesday 25 & Wednesday 26 March at 7.30pm
Hurst St, Birmingham B5 4TB
Tickets: 0844 338 5000 /
† 0844 calls will cost 4.5p per minute plus the phone company’s access charge

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