You & It: The Musical presents a poignant and thought-provoking love story that delves into the depths of human emotions and the philosophical question: “What makes a human human?” This captivating musical, set to run at Assembly Checkpoint from August 1st to 25th, portrays the journey of a grieving husband who revives his deceased wife using artificial intelligence.
In a desperate attempt to hold onto the memory of his wife, who passed away in a tragic accident, the man recreates her with AI. Although the voice, smile, and mannerisms are identical, her appearance feels unfamiliar. He clings to the hope that everything will return to normal as long as she is by his side. However, the story raises the question: can they ever truly return to their previous, happy life?
You & It: The Musical is a profound reflection on human dignity and the importance of love in an era where genuine human connection is increasingly scarce. The musical, featuring a cast of two, beautifully illustrates the value of love and life. It has received accolades such as the Arts Council Korea’s Repertoire of the Year and has been selected for the Kaohsiung Spring Arts Festival in Taiwan and the K-Musical Market in Seoul, Korea.
Kiki Stevenson, Musical Producer at The Other Palace Theatre in London, praises the production: “Must-see worldwide story blends perfectly with Korean sensibilities.” Michael McFadden, Vice President of Theatrical Rights Worldwide on Broadway, NYC, remarks: “YOU & IT is a superb story of what it means to be human. Beautifully addresses the ethical dilemma of using AI for our own emotional gain.” Peter Huntley, CEO of SMART Entertainment, London, West End, adds: “Beautiful musical, about grief, loss, love, and moving on. Laughed and cried. With gorgeous melodies, heartfelt performances, and a very contemporary story.”
You & It: The Musical invites audiences to experience a narrative that harmoniously combines the timeless themes of grief, love, and the quest for human connection with contemporary questions about technology and ethics. This moving story, enhanced by beautiful melodies and heartfelt performances, promises to resonate deeply with audiences.
Show Details: Venue: Assembly Checkpoint
Dates: 1-25 August
Time: 15:55 hrs
Tickets: Preview 1 Aug – £10.00;
2-6, 9-11, 16-18, 23-25 Aug – £15.50 (£14.50);
7-8, 13-15, 20-22 Aug – £13.50 (£12.50)
You & It: The Musical | Musicals and Opera | Edinburgh Festival Fringe (